martes, 13 de abril de 2010

Práctica 2

"Kenia´s Computer"
Avenue Agustin Melgar No.346
Col. Private.
Cd. Cuauhtémoc, Chih.
Tel.and Fax. 59-0-97-68.
R: KJGM/kjgm
March, 16th, 2010.
Guadalupe Isimoto
Technical Assistance
Avenue Technic
Col. San Luis
Cd. Cuauhtémoc, Chih.
Dear Mrs Isimoto
We are requested technical assistance for the instalation of the computer equipment that is purchase from you recently. With the equipment come no instruction booklet and we would like to take advantage of the offer made by your office to installed the computer equipment. We need the equipment installed so that we can follow through with the program that we will put into action in this computer lab.
Thank you very much, we would aprreciatea prompt reply.
Kenia J. Gómez Monge

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